Directed and Produced by Bari Pearlman and Phyllis Heller | Edited by Lana Lin and Grace McKay | Original Music by Nathan Holloway
Mention the game Mah-Jongg to a woman who plays it and something very special happens. Her eyes light up, she smiles and may laugh, and then she comes alive with an impassioned story of her life, and of the bonds that develop between the women who meet ritually every week, sometimes more, to play this ancient Chinese game. While Asian-Americans consider the game to be intrinsic to Asian life, most other Americans strongly identify it with Jewish culture and the women who play it.
MAH-JONGG: THE TILES THAT BIND is a light-hearted yet deeply moving portrait of the Asian- and Jewish-American women who play this centuries-old Chinese game, shedding light on the common and uncommon experiences of the players that simultaneously define and transcend cultural boundaries. Along the way, it proves again and again to be a bridge connecting seemingly unlike individuals, spanning generations, continents and cultures, and transcending classification as merely a game.
After winning awards and playing at film festivals and cultural institutions around the world. the film is now available for instant viewing! Or to set up a screening in your community, please contact us and we'll be happy to help.